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Justicia Ambiental

Justicia Ambiental

La explotación desenfrenada de los recursos naturales en Venezuela ha desencadenado una crisis ambiental de proporciones alarmantes. Actividades como la extracción petrolera, la minería a gran escala, la deforestación indiscriminada y la contaminación de cuerpos de agua han provocado un deterioro acelerado de los ecosistemas y una pérdida significativa de biodiversidad.

Estos impactos ambientales no son fenómenos aislados, sino que están estrechamente vinculados con la calidad de vida de las comunidades locales. La contaminación del agua y del aire, la degradación de los suelos, la pérdida de fuentes de agua potable y la disminución de la producción agrícola son solo algunas de las consecuencias directas que enfrentan las poblaciones más vulnerables.

Es imperativo reconocer que esta crisis ambiental trasciende los límites ecológicos y constituye una grave injusticia social. Las comunidades que históricamente han dependido de los recursos naturales para su subsistencia son las que mayoritariamente sufren las consecuencias de esta explotación irracional. La falta de acceso a agua limpia, alimentos saludables y un entorno sano vulnera sus derechos fundamentales y perpetúa las desigualdades sociales.

Parades Held

Our Mission

We also seek to standardize our organization for the Commonwealth of other states by holding a
state-wide Annual Humanum Protection Celebrations.

We also seek to standardize Pride for the Commonwealth of other states by holding a state-wide Annual Humanum Protection Celebrations.

10 May
Canada Is to Do More to Get Done with Racism
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Protect Your Child from Bullying at School
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Protect Civilians from Explosive Weapons
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4 Commonly Overlooked Forms of Discrimination
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Fight for Equality in the Southern United States
10 May
Canada Is to Do More to Get Done with Racism
10 may
Protect Your Child from Bullying at School
10 may
Protect Civilians from Explosive Weapons
10 may
4 Commonly Overlooked Forms of Discrimination
10 may
Fight for Equality in the Southern United States
10 May
Canada Is to Do More to Get Done with Racism
10 may
Protect Your Child from Bullying at School
10 may
Protect Civilians from Explosive Weapons
10 may
4 Commonly Overlooked Forms of Discrimination
10 may
Fight for Equality in the Southern United States
Rights Protection

Let's Stand Together for Humanum

Rights Protection

Let's Stand Together for Humanum

Humanum is a source for Legal and Humanum awareness, communication and education to reach the broader Commonwealth Community.

Our community seeks to organize events and giving campaigns designed to protect human and social rights of the international community through education to provide equality and understanding.


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